Here I list top-10 utilities that I can’t live without. Well, maybe not exactlly 10, but anyway...
- bash. this should be an necessity, isn’t it. I also use tcsh and zsh, but I always feel home with bash
- ssh, specifically the open-sourced version, openssh. ssh is really a god-sent
- keychain/fsh. helpper tools for ssh. keychain is handy for passpharse cache management for ssh (and gnupg). The “f” in fsh stands for fast. With the newer version of openssh, fsh is not necessary any more.
- netcat. you can view it as a net version of cat, a good cat, really
- vim. I wish I could practice more with emacs-nox, but right now I get used to vim
- wget/lftp. sometimes I use ncftp
- elinks. I prefer it to lynx
- fetchmail/procmail. retrieve and process emails
- mutt/slrn. manage email/news with console
- screen. with gnu screen, you can have multiple consoles with a single terminal, and you can do text version of vnc
- gnupg. to do encryption/signature stuff
- expect. to do interactive operation in a script
- nx. that is so much faster than vnc
And here are I list several technologies that I like and they all involve server/client or p2p mode
- web system. apache httpd server and various clients
- email system. open-sourced smtp/imap4/pop3 servers and clients
- openssh system. both the server and the client, including scp/sftp and others
- jabber im system.
- voip.
I am not very fancy about ftp and news systems. I think they are suitable in some area but they are becoming less and less important.
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